P1101 Budget 2018 – Personal taxes
Tolley CPD
Budget 2018 Personal taxes
Dean Wootten
This Seminar is 23 minutes long. This time will be automatically added to your CPD tracker.
Chapters in this video
- 1) Rates and allowances 2019/20
- 2) Rent-a-room relief
- 3) Savings and pensions
- 4) Voluntary tax returns
- 5) Car benefit 2019/20
- 6) Car fuel, van and van fuel benefit
- 7) Off-payroll working in private sector
- 8) NIC on termination payments
- 9) Employment allowance
- 10) Self-funded work-related training
- 11) Entrepreneurs Relief changes
- 12) Entrepreneurs Relief changes
- 13) Private residence relief
- 14) Non-resident CGT
- 15) CGT payment residential properties
- 16) Extension of first-time buyers SDLT relief
- 17) Recovery of extra 3% SDLT charge
- 18) 1% SDLT surcharge for non-residents