B1096 Business tax round up
Tolley CPD
Business tax round up
Dean Wootten
This Seminar is 16 minutes long. This time will be automatically added to your CPD tracker.
Chapters in this video
- 1) Class 2 U Turn
- 2) Deductible clothing - Gemma Daniels v HMRC (TC06640)
- 3) First Tier Tribunal decision
- 4) Loans written off - Jamie White v HMRC UT/2017/0087
- 5) Who should be preparing for MTD?
- 6) VAT registered businesses
- 7) Below 85,000 at 1 April 2019?
- 8) What income do you count?
- 9) MTD for landlords
- 10) Supplies of digital services
- 11) Service charges
- 12) Fish and chip takings
- 13) Upper Tribunal decision