B1316 Business tax round up
Tolley CPD
Business tax round up
Dean Wootten
This Seminar is 22 minutes long. This time will be automatically added to your CPD tracker.
Chapters in this video
- 1) Suppressed restaurant cash takings
- 2) Suppressed restaurant cash takings
- 3) First Tier Tribunal decision
- 4) Wind tunnel and suppressed stock purchases
- 5) Taxpayers' arguments
- 6) First Tier Tribunal decision
- 7) Understated s.455 charges
- 8) First Tier Tribunal's decision
- 9) Incorrect split of standard and zero rated sales
- 10) First Tier Tribunal's decision
- 11) Gambling, hospitality and entertainment
- 12) First Tier Tribunal's decision
- 13) Is a flapjack a cake?
- 14) First Tier Tribunal's decision