B1101 Budget 2018 – Business taxes
Tolley CPD
Budget 2018 Business taxes
Dean Wootten
This Seminar is 20 minutes long. This time will be automatically added to your CPD tracker.
Chapters in this video
- 1) Digital services tax
- 2) Capital allowance changes
- 3) Capital allowance changes
- 4) Structures and Buildings Allowance (SBA)
- 5) SBA qualifying cost
- 6) SBA rates
- 7) SBA WDA other points
- 8) Leased assets
- 9) Corporate capital losses
- 10) Corporate intangibles
- 11) SME repayable tax credit
- 12) Permanent Establishment
- 13) Charities
- 14) VAT Registration and de-registration limits
- 15) Domestic reverse charge - construction
- 16) VAT Grouping